NG-CDF Committee Commends Kirinyaga ICT Hub for Empowering Youths

The National Assembly committee on National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) has lauded the Kirinyaga Central ICT Hub for its valuable services to the youth amidst various challenges. The commendation comes as the hub provides essential Ajira training programs and free internet access to numerous youths from Kirinyaga Central, Ndia, and Gichugu constituencies.

During a parliamentary visit aimed at assessing the hub’s needs and exploring avenues for support through the NG-CDF fund, the committee, led by Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi, acknowledged the importance of addressing challenges such as poor internet connectivity and outdated equipment.

MP Elachi emphasized the commitment of the NG-CDF fund to assist hubs in covering recurrent expenditures, ensuring sustainable operations. She called upon the Ministry to provide necessary equipment while assuring that the NG-CDF would fulfill its role effectively.

Joshua Mwalyo, MP for Masinga, highlighted the pivotal role of ICT hubs in providing job opportunities, especially in an era where employment opportunities are limited.

Maria Lekuloto, a board member of NG-CDF, commended the collaborative efforts of stakeholders in addressing challenges faced by innovation hubs across the country. She expressed optimism that the revised NG-CDF Act would enable hubs to cover operational expenses effectively.

Albert Miano, the Center Manager of Kirinyaga Central ICT Hub, outlined challenges such as internet downtime, power blackouts, and limited equipment. However, he expressed optimism about overcoming these challenges with the support of stakeholders.

Winfred Chege, a beneficiary of the hub and current trainer, emphasized the significance of freelancing as a lucrative source of income, highlighting its flexibility and potential to attract global clients.

The parliamentary visit underscored the importance of ICT hubs in empowering youth and bridging the digital divide. Through collaborative efforts and support from initiatives like the NG-CDF fund, hubs like Kirinyaga Central ICT Hub can continue to play a vital role in fostering digital literacy and economic empowerment among the youth.


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